Shiko se cfare i ka ndodhur kur i ka lyer ne mbremje kembet me nje krem, kurse ne mengjes kur eshte zgjuar ju ka shendrruar kembet sikur te ishte mashkull. Ajo e vuri kremin per zbutje te lekures pak para se te binte gjume por kur u zgjua ne mengjes perpak sa nuk u cmend.
Look what has happened when he painted the legs with a night cream, and in the morning when you awake is turned legs as if he was male. She pointed for softening the skin cream just before falling asleep and when she awoke in the morning was almost maddening. Rain okni vi dj on the positions that had legs like before and how he converted now.
Look what has happened when he painted the legs with a night cream, and in the morning when you awake is turned legs as if he was male. She pointed for softening the skin cream just before falling asleep and when she awoke in the morning was almost maddening. Rain okni vi dj on the positions that had legs like before and how he converted now.