Winner iBig Brother 6, Anaidi, said a few moments ago that his relationship with Joanën over. He tregoise the final BBA6 has seen the reaction of his parents and realized that something is wrong. “The statements of its former dashuriJani that will accompany us to the altar are hasty. Joanna was my choice within the house, out of choice I have many opportunities, “said Anaidi. I asked the head of the Fan Club, if I was single, Anaidi said: I believe that is understandable, I’m single. Illyria komentoise Anaidi should not continue this story of Joanna while being inside the house, decided to split with her boyfriend Janin. Anaidi can not underlined beloved five days. He deklaroise Joanna has made no clear statement of unintended situation between them. “I entered single and I said that would dalsingle” said Anaidi. He noted that a report has omitted to open with a girl who has stayed close in difficult moments of his life. “There is love, we did not have intercourse but very near, said Anaidi.